Bass Chorus Pedals | 9 Best Chorus Pedals For Bass (2020 Review)

Bass Chorus Pedals – 9 Best Chorus Pedals for Bass (2021 Review)

In this article, we’re going to be discussing what the best bass chorus processors are that exist in 2020.

MXR Analog Chorus Pedal
Boss CEB-3 Bass Chorus Pedal
MXR Bass Chorus Deluxe
Electro-Harmonix Bass Clone Bass Chorus Pedal
Hartke HC33 Analog Bass Chorus Guitar Effects Pedal
Price not available
Our Rating
2.6 x 5.5 x 4.4 inches
2.9 x 2.3 x 5.1 inches
4.5 x 5.5 x 2.5 inches
6.2" x 3.2" x 5.7" inches
5.0" x 3.0" x 4.0" inches
1.2 pounds
1.1 pounds
1 pound
Low, High, Level, Rate, Depth
E. Level, Low Filter, Rate, Depth
Bass, Treble, X-Over, Flanger, Intensity, Depth, Width
Depth, X-Over, Rate, Bass, Treble
Depth, Speed, Blend
True Bypass
Processor's Engaged LED Light
9V Battery or Power Supply
9V Battery or Power Supply
9V Battery or Power Supply
9V Battery or Power Supply
9V Battery or Power Supply
MXR Analog Chorus Pedal
Our Rating
2.6 x 5.5 x 4.4 inches
1.2 pounds
Low, High, Level, Rate, Depth
True Bypass
Processor's Engaged LED Light
9V Battery or Power Supply
More Information
Boss CEB-3 Bass Chorus Pedal
Our Rating
2.9 x 2.3 x 5.1 inches
1.1 pounds
E. Level, Low Filter, Rate, Depth
True Bypass
Processor's Engaged LED Light
9V Battery or Power Supply
More Information
MXR Bass Chorus Deluxe
Our Rating
4.5 x 5.5 x 2.5 inches
1 pound
Bass, Treble, X-Over, Flanger, Intensity, Depth, Width
True Bypass
Processor's Engaged LED Light
9V Battery or Power Supply
More Information
Electro-Harmonix Bass Clone Bass Chorus Pedal
Our Rating
6.2" x 3.2" x 5.7" inches
Depth, X-Over, Rate, Bass, Treble
True Bypass
Processor's Engaged LED Light
9V Battery or Power Supply
More Information
Hartke HC33 Analog Bass Chorus Guitar Effects Pedal
Price not available
Our Rating
5.0" x 3.0" x 4.0" inches
Depth, Speed, Blend
True Bypass
Processor's Engaged LED Light
9V Battery or Power Supply
More Information

However, before we go into detail about this, let’s briefly touch on what exactly a bass chorus pedal is and where it is commonly used.

What is a Bass Chorus Pedal?

A Bass Chorus Pedal is an electronic effect processor which when engaged is used to create a rich shimmering ‘chorus’ sound to the bass signal.

The shimmering sound is created due to what is known as ‘beating’ (Wiki) where two sounds oscillating at slightly different frequencies are heard in union, as they glide in and out synchronization.

This chorus effect is generally clearer to hear when the sounds have been sustained.

Chorus has been heavily used throughout modern pop and even rock music, with bands such as Nirvana using chorus processors on guitar recordings on songs like ‘come as you are’.

Bass Chorus Units are commonly used within both a live performance and studio recording environment, and although the chorus effect can be featured in some bass multi effect pedals, singular chorus pedals can often provide more intricate chorus effect controls.

Now you may be thinking, well if there’s another signal oscillating in and out of the fundamental frequency that I’m playing, wouldn’t that sound strange.

Well, the creators of these pedals have this covered, with pedals like the ‘MXR M83 Bass Chorus Deluxe’ & ‘Boss CEB-3’ offering ” a split-frequency chorus effect capable of applying warm, rich chorusing to the higher frequencies without muddying up the lows” 

This means that chorus modulation is done on the higher bass frequencies, keeping the low frequencies crisp and clear!

As always with our lists, we’ve arranged the products in order of price, from least expensive at the top, to most expensive at the bottom. Additionally, we’ve gone into detail about each processor and its technical specifications and information.

So, without further ado, let’s discuss the 9 best chorus pedals for bass guitar in 2020.

Behringer Ultra Chorus UC200

Behringer UC200


  • Chorus Pedal for Guitar and Bass
  • Designed & Built by Behringer (Germany)
  • Very Cheap to purchase at leass than $30
  • Stereo effect chorus
  • Blue LED for visual confirmation that the Processor’s engaged
  • A few interface controls
    • Level: Adjusts the amount of chorus affect added
    • Tone: Adjusts the tonality of the Chorus effect
    • Speed: Adjusts the speed of modulation
    • Depth: Controls the range of modulation sweep
  • Runs on a 9V battery, but can also be directly run on a 9v power supply (not included)
  • Link to Owners Manual

Technical Specifications

  • 1/4″ jack input
  • 2 x 1/4″ jack outputs
  • 9v battery (included): 9v AC adaptor is sold separately (9V Power Supply – Buy on Amazon)
  • Weight : 0.73lbs
  • Dimensions : 2.8″ x 2.1″ x 4.8″ inches


The UC200 Ultra Chorus pedal by Behringer is the least expensive unit on our list. However, we try to accommodate for every budget, and besides the low price, Behringer is known for providing decent quality effects at very affordable prices.

The UC200 doesn’t disappoint; Although this is primarily used on Electric Guitar, it still provides a decent quality chorus effect for bass.   This pedal is essentially great if you’re looking for a low-cost pedal that’ suitable for both electric guitar & bass, offering stereo output.  

It would be well suited to a gigging musician who doesn’t want to worry about an expensive unit. However, if you decide to use this on Bass, we advise using an additional EQ unit somewhere later on in the signal path,  to boost low-end root frequencies.  For a demonstration of the processor, take a look at the video demonstration below:

Joyo JF-37 Analog Chorus Effect Pedal for Bass & Guitar

JOYO JF-37 BUNDLE Acoustic Guitar Knob


  • Specifically designed chorus pedal for Bass
  • All-Analog pedal engineered by Hartke, Sampson Technologies
  • Bucket-Brigade Technology
  • True Bypass
  • LED for visual confirmation that the Processor’s engaged
  • A few interface controls
    • Rate: Controls the range of modulation sweep
    • Depth: Adjusts the speed of modulation
  • Runs on a 9V battery, but can also be directly run on a 9v power supply (not included)
  • Link to Owners Manual

Technical Specifications

  • 1/4″ jack input
  • 1/4″ jack output
  • 9v battery (included): 9v AC adaptor is sold separately (9V Power Supply – Buy on Amazon)
  • Weight : 0.65lbs
  • Dimensions : 5.0″ x 3.0″ x 4.0″ inches


Similarly to the Behringer UC200, the Joyo JF-37 chorus pedal is targeted more towards the musician who’s on a smaller budget.

The JF-37 is priced at around $36 making it the second cheapest pedal, and despite not being specifically built for bass use, as you can hear from the demonstration video below, it really does provide a solid chorus quality.   [br]Again, this pedal is ideal for someone looking for a chorus pedal that can be used with both Electric guitar and Bass, whilst not hurting your bank account too much.

For a demonstration of the processor, take a look at the video demonstration below:

Mooer Ensemble Queen Bass Chorus Effects Pedal

Mooer Audio Ensemble Queen Bass


  • Built specifically for Bass Guitar
  • Inexpensively priced
  • Extremely compact in size
  • Small LED for visual confirmation of processor engagement
  • A simple to use interface
    • Level: Adjusts the amount of chorus effect applied
    • Tone: Cuts modulation on low frequencies to maintain clarity and definition
    • Depth: Controls the rate of chorus modulation
    • Rate: Adjusts the range of chorus modulation sweep
  • True Bypass
  • Runs on a 9V battery, but can also be directly run on a 9v power supply (not included)
  • Link to Owners Manual

Technical Specifications

  • 1/4″ jack input
  • 1/4″ jack output
  • 9v battery (included): 9v AC adaptor is sold separately (9V Power Supply – Buy on Amazon)
  • Weight : 0.43lbs
  • Dimensions : 2.9″ x 2.3″ x 5.1″ inches


The Ensemble Queen Bass Chorus pedal developed by Mooer is specifically designed for bass. This device is an ideal chorus pedal for any bassist who’s priority is space and portability, whilst being on a budget.

As for the sounds that this processor can create, it isn’t going to make you scream wow! But it certainly holds its own in providing a decent quality chorus effect.  

This pedal is more suited for live performance, in an environment which is more forgiving, at least for audible focus, as opposed to studio recording.

Personally, we’d prefer to save up a little more cash and spend it on one of the more higher priced bass chorus pedals, seeing this as a long-term investment.  

For a demonstration of the processor, take a look at the video demonstration below:

Electro-Harmonix Bass Clone Bass Chorus Effect Pedal

Electro-Harmonix Clone Bass Chorus Pedal
  • Chorus pedal designed and built for Bass
  • Engineering by Electro-Harmonix
  • Based on the legendary ‘Small Clone‘, but for Bass
  • LED for visual confirmation that the Processor’s engaged
  • A number of interface controls
    • Depth: Adjusts the range of chorus modulation sweep
    • X-Over: Engages X-Over which cuts modulation on low frequencies to maintain clarity and definition
    • Rate: Controls the rate of chorus modulation
    • Bass: Adjusts the amount of low-end boost/cut
    • Treble: Adjusts the amount of high-end boost/cut
  • True Bypass
  • Runs on a 9V battery, but can also be directly run on a 9v power supply (not included)
  • Link to Owners Manual – MXR M84 Owners Manual

Technical Specifications

  • 1/4″ jack input
  • 1/4″ jack output
  • 9v battery (included): 9v AC adaptor is sold separately (9V Power Supply – Buy on Amazon)
  • Weight : 0.75lbs
  • Dimensions : 6.2″ x 3.2″ x 5.7″ inches


The Bass Clone by Electro-Harmonics is truly a tribute to the legendary ‘small clone’ chorus pedal, made famous through its adoption from musicians such as Kurt Cobain and John Scofield. The Bass Clone’s core circuitry to near identical to the small clone, maintaining the core sound, but features additional elements making it more suitable for bass…

This includes a greater depth of modulation, 2-band EQ (Bass & Treble) controls and the X-Crossover switch, all of which will help improve your bass tone, keeping it smooth, crisp and defined.  

Again, the X-Crossover function minimizes chorus modulation on lower frequencies (near sub frequencies), which is important to maintain an in-tune core note frequency. The processor itself is housed in a tough, aluminium chassis so you don’t need to be worried about it taking a knock or two, and the switches feel very secure.  

So how does it sound? As you can hear from the demonstration below, this pedal is capable of delivering varying kinds of chorus modulation, from subtle to extreme… All you need to do it play around with the settings. We recommend not overdoing the rate switch, unless you’re looking to funk it up… in which case, turn it up some more!

With this being based on a highly successful pedal, we’re confident that you’ll like the tonality and effect that it creates, both for live use and in the studio. I mean just take a look at the reviews (Amazon Reviews of MXR M84).

Overall, a very nice bass chorus pedal!   [br]For a demonstration of the processor, take a look at the video demonstration below:

Hartke HC33 Analog Bass Chorus Pedal

Hartke HC33 Analog Bass Chorus Guitar Effects Pedal


  • Specifically designed chorus pedal for Bass
  • All-Analog pedal engineered by Hartke, Sampson Technologies
  • Bucket-Brigade Technology
  • Vintage Aesthetic design
  • LED for visual confirmation that the Processor’s engaged
  • A few interface controls
    • Depth: Controls the range of modulation sweep
    • Speed: Adjusts the speed of modulation
    • Blend: Adjusts the mix of effected signal and original signal
  • Runs on a 9V battery, but can also be directly run on a 9v power supply (not included)
  • Link to Owners Manual

Technical Specifications

  • 1/4″ jack input
  • 1/4″ jack output
  • 9v battery (included): 9v AC adaptor is sold separately (9V Power Supply – Buy on Amazon)
  • Weight : 0.65lbs
  • Dimensions : 5.0″ x 3.0″ x 4.0″ inches


The HC33 Bass Chorus Pedal by Harke is another entity on our list of the best chorus pedals for bass. Before we talk about the sound quality, let’s discuss the actual pedal itself. This all-analogue chorus pedal, built specifically for Bass, is housed in a rugged, die-cast case, and is small enough to fit on most pedal boards.  

It provides some really lush sounds, from a subtle shimmering chorus effect to severe sweeps! We were particularly impressed with the versatility of this pedal, as it sounds great on mellow bass riffs, providing a shimmering glow to the performance, but also sounds fantastic on slap-bass.  

We’ve reviewed some Hartke products in the past, but this is exceptional, and for the price, it’s a steal!   [br]Our only slight reservation with this pedal is the lack of EQ or an X-Crossover function. However, the video demonstration clearly shows that the bass frequencies are popping through the mix without being distorted by the chorus effect; This is likely due to the high-quality internal (bucket brigade circuit) engineering.  

For a demonstration of the processor, take a look at the video demonstration below:

MXR M234 Analog Chorus Pedal

MXR M234 Analog Chorus Pedal


  • Chorus pedal built for Guitar & Bass
  • Engineering by MXR Electronics, Jim Dunlop
  • Lightweight aluminium metal chassis
  • Integrates Analog Bucket brigade technology
  • Constant Headroom Technology™
  • Bright LED for visual confirmation that the Processor’s engaged
  • Features Two outputs for optional stereo spread sweeping
  • A number of interface controls
    • Low: Adjusts the amount of Bass boost/cut
    • High: Adjusts the amount of Treble boost/cut
    • Level: Adjusts the intensity of chorus effect in chorus mode and regeneration in flanger mode
    • Rate: Adjusts the speed of modulation
    • Depth: Controls the range of modulation sweep
  • True Bypass
  • Runs on a 9V battery, but can also be directly run on a 9v power supply (not included)
  • Link to Owners Manual

Technical Specifications

  • 1/4″ jack input
  • 1 x 1/4″ jack output (mono)
  • 1 x 1/4″ jack output (thru)
  • 9v battery (included): 9v AC adaptor is sold separately (9V Power Supply – Buy on Amazon)
  • Weight : 0.85lbs
  • Dimensions : 2.6″ x 5.5″ x 4.4″ inches


The MXR M234 Analog Chorus designed by Jim Dunlop is the ultimate analog chorus pedal for both Guitar and Bass. Although it isn’t specifically designed for Bass Guitar like the MXR M83 Chorus Deluxe is, this was built to be used interchangeably between both Electric Guitar and Bass. Hence it’s clearly for the musician who wants a chorus pedal that is versatile for both instruments.

Similar to the MXR M83 Bass Chorus Deluxe, the M234 uses the gold-standard analog bucket-brigade circuitry, giving it that lush chorus tone that digital circuitry would struggle to achieve.  

A key difference between this chorus pedal and others that we’ve featured is that the M234 has two 1/4 inch outputs; The main output (Mono) is perfect if you’re looking to plug this into an amplifier, whilst the second output (Thru) engages stereo mode, which then sends the ‘affected’ signal to (Mono) and a DI ‘unaffected’ signal to wherever you so desire (I.E another Amp or FOH desk).

With features aside, the MXR M234 is small in size, with a strong aluminium casing, which makes it suitable for touring and taking a few bumps.

Overall, a fantastic bass chorus pedal, I mean just take a look at the Amazon Reviews.

Although we’re recommending the MXR M83 Bass Chorus Deluxe pedal for bassists, if you’re looking for a chorus pedal that also supports Electric Guitar use, the M234 is your solution.

For a demonstration of the processor, take a look at the video demonstration below:

Eden I90 World Tour Bass Chorus Pedal

Eden I90 World Tour Bass Chorus Pedal


  • Chorus pedal built for Bass
  • Engineering by Eden Electronics, part of Marshall Amplification
  • Vintage-looking unit
  • LED for visual confirmation that the Processor’s engaged
  • A number of interface controls
    • Speed: Adjusts the speed of modulation
    • Depth: Controls the range of modulation sweep
    • Low Cut: Controls the amount of lower frequencies that are effected by Chorus
    • Mix Level: Adjusts the intensity of chorus effect applied to the bass signal
  • Requires a 15V power supply to work (Comes with a power adapter)
  • Link to Owners Manual

Technical Specifications

  • 1/4″ jack input
  • 1/4″ jack output
  • 15V AC adaptor is included
  • Weight: 1.5lbs
  • Dimensions : 4.0″ x 5.0″ x 2.5″ inches


The I90 World Tour unit by Eden is their Bass Chorus Pedal solution. The company Eden are positioned within the Marshall Amplification family, and hence you can assume that high-quality parts are mandatory.

As for the settings, the pedal allows you to sculpt your sound to a decent level; providing users with Speed, Depth and Mix controls, alongside Low Cut which is their version of the X-Crossover function, so when this knob is turned to the right it allows for more chorus to be heard on lower frequencies.  

Where does this product lack, we would say that the lack of EQ is a little disappointing, especially for those who want it in one little box. However, if you already have an EQ unit, place in the next position on the signal path and you’ve solved the problem.

As you can hear from the pedal demonstration, it sounds very nice, with the unit adding chorus and sustain to the signal. Although as we’ve mentioned, getting an EQ pedal alongside this would be beneficial, to help reinstate any lower frequency loss.

For a demonstration of the processor, take a look at the video demonstration below:

Boss CEB-3 Bass Chorus Pedal

BOSS Bass Chorus Guitar Pedal (CEB-3)


  • Chorus pedal designed and built for Bass Guitar
  • Designed & Engineered by Boss
  • Compact in size and known for durability
  • Small LED for visual confirmation of processor engagement
  • Built-in crossover function
  • A number of interface controls
    • E.Level: Adjusts the amount of chorus effect applied
    • Low Filter: Cuts modulation on low frequencies to maintain clarity and definition
    • Rate: Controls the rate of chorus modulation
    • Depth: Adjusts the range of chorus modulation sweep
  • True Bypass
  • Runs on a 9V battery, but can also be directly run on a 9v power supply (not included)
  • Includes 5-Year Manufacturers Warranty
  • Link to Owners Manual

Technical Specifications

  • 1/4″ jack input
  • 1/4″ jack output
  • 9v battery (included): 9v AC adaptor is sold separately (9V Power Supply – Buy on Amazon)
  • Weight : 1.1lbs
  • Dimensions : 2.9″ x 2.3″ x 5.1″ inches


The Bass Chorus CEB-3 by Boss is their standard bass chorus pedal. As with anything created by Boss, it’s built to last and their 5-year manufacturer’s warranty demonstrates this.  Similar to the previous pedals that we’ve looked at, it includes a built-in crossover function to help avoid low-end frequency issues, in turn helping to maintain clarity.

As for the sound quality of the CEB-3, it’s right on the mark, providing high-quality chorus emulation. But make no mistakes, this thing isn’t going to “blow your socks off”, but it will stick around for much longer than those socks of yours last.

Overall, the CEB-3 is a solid chorus pedal, and we’d highly recommend this to the bassist looking for a long-term side-kick, suitable for gigging and recording.  

For a demonstration of the processor, take a look at the video demonstration below:

MXR M83 Bass Chorus Deluxe

MXR M83 Bass Chorus Deluxe


  • Chorus pedal built specifically for Bass
  • Engineering by MXR Electronics, Jim Dunlop
  • Lightweight aluminium metal chassis
  • Integrates Analog Bucket brigade technology
  • Constant Headroom Technology™
  • Bright LED for visual confirmation that the Processor’s engaged
  • A number of interface controls
    • Bass: Adjusts the amount of low-end boost/cut
    • Treble: Adjusts the amount of high-end boost/cut
    • X-Over: Engages X-Over, which decreases the amount of modulation at 100hz
    • Flanger: Engages Flanger mode
    • Intensity: Adjusts the intensity of chorus effect in chorus mode and regeneration in flanger mode
    • Rate: Adjusts the speed of modulation
    • Width: Controls the range of modulation sweep
  • True Bypass
  • Runs on a 9V battery, but can also be directly run on a 9v power supply (not included)
  • Link to Owners Manual

Technical Specifications

  • 1/4″ jack input
  • 1/4″ jack output
  • 9v battery (included): 9v AC adaptor is sold separately (9V Power Supply – Buy on Amazon)
  • Weight : 0.65lbs
  • Dimensions : 4.5″ x 2.5″ x 5.5″ inches


The MXR M83 Bass Chorus Deluxe by Jim Dunlop is certainly a solid piece of kit, well-built and able to deliver an array of shimmering, liquid chorus and metallic flanger effects. It’s able to do this and maintain a great level of tonal clarity because of the X-Over crossover button, which prevents chorus modulation on the bottom-end of the sound (100hz), alongside the internal analog bucket-brigade technology, which is by no means new technology but has maintained the gold-standard in the analog world for a number of years.

Alongside this, the device utilizes Constant Headroom Technology (CHT) which is essentially circuitry that provides extra headroom, it’s able to do this through producing 18-volts from a single 9v battery… so we’d advise using an external power supply, as opposed to relying on battery-life.  

This little unit has two switchable modes, both chorus and flanger. By proxy, the device is in chorus mode, but it can be changed to flanger mode by using the ‘Flanger’ button. Both modes can be personalized using the intensity, rate and width controls.

Other than this, the processor has a simple 2-band EQ, providing Bass and Treble equalization, meaning you can achieve just the sound that you want.   [br]With features aside, the MXR M83 is small in size, with a strong aluminium casing, which makes it suitable for touring and taking a few bumps.  

Overall, a fantastic bass chorus pedal, I mean just take a look at the Amazon Reviews.  

If we had any criticism of this interface (if we’re being ultra picky), it’s the fact that you cannot save presets like you can with a digital chorus pedal; However, you are unlikely to be able to get this kind of sound quality with a digital pedal.

For a demonstration of the processor, take a look at the video demonstration below:

Conclusion – What Pedal would we recommend?

Well it’s that time again!

If you’re familiar with how we like to make recommendations then please feel free to read on.

But for those who aren’t, we like to make multiple recommendations in order to fit your position and requirements, this way every reader can find the ideal pedal for them.

So let’s get to it!

MXR M83 Bass Chorus Deluxe – $$$$ – Premium Priced – Buy on Amazon – High Quality, Premium Price, Specially Built for Bass

Boss CEB-3 Bass Chorus Pedal – $$$ – Mid-Range Priced – Buy on Amazon – For those looking at High-Quality Stereo Output

Hartke HC33 Analog Bass Chorus Pedal – $$ – Moderately Priced – Buy on Amazon  – Best mid-range option

Behringer Ultra Chorus UC200 – $ – Budget Priced – Buy on Amazon – Fantastic budget option with Stereo Output

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